Thursday 11 May 2017

Global Drug Delivery Technologies

Global Drug Delivery Technologies— Innovation Driven by Rapidly Expanding Injectables Market and Increasing Usage of Complex Biologics during the Forecast Period” discusses the drug delivery technologies and trends in the market and the evolving business strategies being adopted and leveraged by companies globally.
The ultimate goal of drug delivery research is to develop formulations and devices that can be used in clinical applications to treat various diseases. Delivering a drug with the desired release kinetics requires an understanding of the underlying physicochemical properties of the drug, which determine the type of delivery material and drug release mechanism.
The report provides global market forecasts by revenue for the market until 2020. Additionally, forecasts by revenue for key geographical markets and supporting analyses of the main factors driving or restraining growth are included. The market for drug delivery technology is poised for strong growth in the coming years.
— What are the drug delivery technologies used in the market and how have they evolved in recent years?
— What will be the market value, by revenue, of the market over the coming years?
Key Reasons to Purchase
— Gain insightful analyses and understanding of market dynamics. The report comprehensively describes and assesses the most important factors driving and restraining the drug delivery technology market.
— Evaluate a granular assessment of the pipelines for the various drug delivery technology segments and the prospects and revenue forecasts for the upcoming delivery technologies until 2020.
— Evaluate the strategies and business models used by companies to achieve their full commercial potential.
— Gain insight on upcoming trends and factors influencing the global market for drug delivery technology.
Table of Contents
1 Table of Contents
1 Table of Contents 3
1.1 List of Tables 4
1.2 List of Figures 4
2 Drug Delivery Technologies — An Overview 5
2.1 Drug Delivery Research: Past and Present 5
2.2 Drug Delivery Technologies Market, 2006–2020 6
2.3 Drug Delivery Technologies Market: Drivers and Restraints in 2016 8
3 Current Drug Delivery Technologies and Recent Developments 12
3.1 Technologies Based on Drug Vehicle or Carrier 12
3.2 Technologies Based on Route of Administration 22

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